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Temperature Difference Equals Free Energy

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Finalist Names:
Alwazzan, Ali
Altourah, Yousef

* In Kuwait, the shortage of power supply occur during summer. This is the time, when the solar power is abundant and the temperature of air reaches close to 50o C. The average seawater temperature in the Kuwaiti territorial water in summer ranges from 28 to 30o C. The temperature difference between the hot air and cool sea water can be used for electric power generation. In Kuwait both warm air and cool seawater is available in abundance . The first step I went to KISR ( Kuwait institution for scientific research) to (Dr.nelmani) I asked them about the data of temperature degree of (water surface –deep water –air ).during the year I found from this data that my idea can be done. Then I started to build my preliminary designs and take readings my proto type success in giving about 1 kw and I’m still working on it. My project provide electricity by a system which is continuous, renewable because In Kuwait both warm air and cool seawater is available in abundance My project is pollution free :- • The cold deep sea water is rich in nutrients and can be utilized for aquaculture. . • my project is an important alternative source of power for remote islands