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SmartCane Mobile Application for the Wearable White Cane

Booth Id:

Systems Software


Finalist Names:
Strauss, Julia (School: Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science Center)
Puca, Anna (School: Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science Center)

The purpose of this project was to create the SmartCane mobile application for the Wearable White Cane vest. This application served as the interface between the user and the sensors. It alerted the user when there was an obstacle in their path by receiving signals from a Bluetooth device on an apparatus. The user could control when they received audio alerts. The investigators conducted research on how to develop an app that people with low vision could easily use and created a design based off of the information that they collected. They tried out different methods for coding the app until it functioned the way they wanted it to. This app could help many people around the world with low vision. When used with the Wearable White Cane vest, it will be able to detect objects located anywhere within a certain radius of the user. This includes obstacles not on the ground, as opposed to a standard white cane.

Awards Won:
GoDaddy: $750 Joining Forces for the Community Award