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From the Valley of Poverty to the Valley of Opportunities: Transforming through Education

Booth Id:

Behavioral and Social Sciences


Finalist Names:
Daikubara, Larissa (School: Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia de Sao Paulo, Campus Registro)
Campos, Jaqueline (School: Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia de Sao Paulo, Campus Registro)

The alumni of an educational institution are a representative link of the interaction between the institution, the world of work, and the community of which it is part. This research aimed to evaluate how alumni of the Technical course in the field of construction at the Federal Institute of São Paulo, were absorbed into the world of work and their insertion into universities, identifying professional developments and the economic and social return for the Ribeira Valley in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. This locality is still characterized as the most economically depressed region in the State of São Paulo. As a quantitative methodology, a survey was used, addressing the alumni of the technical course in construction from 2013 to 2019. The results indicated a gradual increase in women in the course over the years considered. As for the age group, 82% of the alumni are aged between 16 and 30, with 40% verticalizing in degrees, while the remainder entered the world of work. Considering the government's annual investment in basic education it was found that the economic and social return of these professionals for the locality in which they operate occurred in a short period of time. It was concluded that the Ribeira Valley is undergoing a trans-formation that is mediated by educational institutions. It was found that this was due to the power of education transforming the lives of individuals socially and culturally even though many of the respondents did not recognize this fact. Furthermore, the results show that education helps to form critical and conscious individuals, who are capable of promoting transformation.