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COVID-19: The Effect on the CNMI's Visitors

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Finalist Names:
Ortizo, Brent Matthew (School: Mount Carmel School)
Camacho, Vidal (School: Mount Carmel School)

The CNMI heavily relies on tourism. With the COVID-19 pandemic, this poses a concern for the tourism industry. In this project, the stats and data regarding the amount of worldwide COVID-19 cases and the monthly visitors to the CNMI would be researched to see whether or not there is any relationship between them. This enables us to consider the question, “What would this mean for the CNMI?” The obtained research data were compiled and organized onto a spreadsheet program to generate graphs with their own regression lines along with their respective equations and determination coefficient or r^2 values. Their r^2 values were analyzed based on whether or not they were closer or less than to 1 to indicate if an accurate relationship is depicted. Four different graphs based on the data sets were generated with varying regression lines: linear, exponential, logarithmic, and power series. The graph with the linear graph line has a r^2 value of about 0.579. The graph with the exponential graph line has a r^2 value of about 0.814. The graph with the logarithmic graph line has a r^2 value of about 0.803. The graph with the power series graph has a r^2 value of about 0.592. The study shows there's a relationship between the amount of worldwide COVID-19 cases to monthly visitors to the CNMI based on our results All graphs have an r^2 value above 0.5, indicating that there is a correlation between the two data sets. The exponential graph is the best model to show the correlation. All graphs show that more COVID-19 cases worldwide would cause a decrease in monthly visitors to the CNMI.