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Determining the Effects of Implicit Bias on an Individual's Global Perspective

Booth Id:

Technology Enhances the Arts


Finalist Names:
Avery, Lola (School: St. Joseph's Academy)

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the effects of provided statistical data of a country's performance versus the disclosure of a given country's name on the perception of that country's global prosperity. Prior to the experiment, it was hypothesized that the presence of both statistical data about a country's economic and humanitarian performance and the disclosure of each country's name will have an effect on how prosperous that country is perceived to be. In this experiment, about 200 students participated in a 2-Part survey, in which each individual was asked to rank five countries from most to least prosperous. In the first survey, when students were asked to rank five undisclosed countries based on the statistics provided for them, students responded with nearly the opposite order from the second survey, in which students ranked the same five countries, but had knowledge of their names rather than statistical data. The results between the two surveys showed a clear discrepancy, concluding that there are internal, implicit biases that play a role in decision making. Implicit bias was determined to have a dramatic effect on the participants' performance in the survey, as the countries names' carried an influential impact on the results of the surveys.