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Quantum Glitch

Booth Id:

Technology Enhances the Arts


Finalist Names:
Beraia, Archil (School: Georgian-American School)
Gogia, Ani (School: Georgian-American School)
Gogia, Vakhtang (School: Georgian-American School)

Quantum mechanics, once confined to the esoteric realms of academia, now stands as a cornerstone of modern science, promising to reshape our digital landscape. As society edges closer to harnessing the power of quantum computing, there arises an urgent imperative for widespread quantum literacy. Recognizing this need, we present "Quantum Glitch," an innovative game designed to democratize access to quantum knowledge and foster intuitive understanding among players of all backgrounds. "Quantum Glitch" offers players a captivating narrative entangled with quantum principles, guiding them through a series of puzzles that challenge their understanding and reasoning. Through dynamic storytelling techniques, players are transported into a world where quantum mechanics form the very fabric of reality. In the game, the protagonist appears at an unknown place and doesn’t remember anything. After NPC dialogue and observing symbolic patterns, the player solves each room and learns quantum physics, from superposition to entanglement, in a way that is both immerse and educational. Additionally, "Quantum Glitch" introduces a groundbreaking feature: the puzzle editor. This revolutionary tool empowers players to create and share quantum-inspired challenges with ease. Through the puzzle editor, players transcend the role of passive consumers, becoming active participants in the dissemination of quantum concepts.