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Forest Control System

Booth Id:

Environmental Engineering


Finalist Names:
Fatafta, Ahmad (School: Islamic Educational College - Jubeiha)

Problem Definition The lack of competent authorities to follow up on forests and their problems and the lack of tracking devices in the forests have caused 420 million hectares of forests to be lost since 1990, although the rate of deforestation has decreased in the past three decades. This is a major environmental issue, as forests are exposed to unfair logging that negatively affects the ecological balance and the Ozone layer. To solve this problem, a smart system connected to a specialized entity is needed for rapid intervention to extinguish fires on time. Our Suggested Innovative solution Is to create and upgrade a wireless system with advanced sensors and automated self-learning fly devices, connected to a station and smart interactive wristwatches, all connected to an independent competent authority trained to work with our special devices. This will help detect and control problems such as fire rapidly and early, thereby positively impacting the Ozone layer, Global Warming, humans, animals, and all living creatures. Forests are essential for our survival, providing us with air, wood, paper, and other resources, as well as offering watershed protection, preventing soil erosion, and mitigating climate change.