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Nutritional Values in Insects: A Spectrophonic Analysis

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Finalist Names:
Martyny, Will (School: Trinity Preparatory School)

Many people all over the world are switching to the consumption of insects. In places like Africa, Southeast Asia, and northern parts of Latin America insects are considered a popular delicacy. Switching to a more prominent consumption of insects is thought to be more environmentally and animal friendly. Although, many nutritional aspects of insects have not been determined yet such as many minerals that are very important to everyday diets. For my experiment, I am measuring Iron (Fe) and Phosphorus (P) through colorimetry and Calcium (Ca) through titration for 5 different insects (Crickets, Mealworms, Mezcal Worms, Black Ants, and Scorpions). These results will be compared with the nutritional value of ground beef to see if insects could be used as a healthy alternative to eating red meat. Results are pending.