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Can Nanomaterials Be Engineered To Promote Tissue Regeneration Like Bone and Cartilage?

Booth Id:

Biomedical Engineering


Finalist Names:
Lockwood - Belmont, Paulina (School: Colegio Puertorriqueno de Ninas)
Noa - O'Neill, Gabriela (School: Colegio Puertorriqueno de Ninas)

Nanotechnology emerges as a potentially effective remedy for the field of bone regenerative medicine. Innovative solutions are needed to overcome regenerative strategy challenges, such as scaffold mechanical strength and cellular proliferation.This comprehensive research examines nanotechnology's potential to overcome these issues and improve bone regeneration; it has the possibility of transforming bone tissue engineering. Our research focuses on nanoparticle-based bioactive chemicals, growth factors, and genetic material delivery. We examined nanoparticle-mediated cell labeling and targeting to improve regenerative cell manipulation precision and concentrated on nano-based scaffold creation and modification to improve physicochemical interactions, biocompatibility, mechanical stability, and cellular attachment and survival. These technologies are evolving and may be integrated into clinical settings, improving therapy outcomes for patients with severe bone deficiencies and osteodegenerative disorders. Our study shows that biocompatible materials work, making nanoparticles more attractive for tissue engineering, like bone and cartilage reintegration. Creating nanomaterial scaffolds that mimic the extracellular matrix is promising for regeneration. Its mechanical compatibility with native tissue reduces the chance of tissue regeneration failure. The promising trajectory of this technology instills optimism regarding their eventual clinical translation, offering considerable potential for improving therapeutic outcomes in patients afflicted with bone diseases and ailments. With the integration of biocompatible materials and the development of scaffolds mimicking the native extracellular matrix, we envision a future marked by comprehensive bone and cartilage regeneration.