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The Effect of Hearing Loss on Anxiety and Insomnia

Booth Id:

Behavioral and Social Sciences


Finalist Names:
Ahmed, Norah (School: Evansville Day School)

This research investigated the relationship between insomnia, anxiety, and hearing loss, with a focus on determining whether hearing loss exacerbates anxiety and insomnia in individuals. Motivated by the pressing issue of chronic insomnia in adults, especially those with disabilities, the study sought to unravel the psychological dimensions of sleep disturbances in the context of hearing loss. Employing the Insomnia Severity Index and Hamilton Anxiety Scale, data was collected from 100 participants with hearing loss through online support groups. Results indicated a substantial association between hearing loss and an elevated likelihood of insomnia (53%) and anxiety (61%). Notably, a moderate correlation (r=0.4223) was observed between anxiety and sleep patterns. These findings emphasize the imperative need to address mental health concerns in the hard-of-hearing community, highlighting the impact of chronic stress on sleep. The study underscores the necessity for tailored interventions and support systems for individuals with hearing loss. The research contributes valuable statistics to existing literature and prompts further exploration into the intricate connections among insomnia, anxiety, and hearing loss.