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Booth Id:

Environmental Engineering


Finalist Names:
Afandi, Ali (School: Lyceum Named after Academician Zarifa Aliyeva)
Rizayev, Ismail (School: Lyceum Named after Academician Zarifa Aliyeva)

We provide a cutting-edge technological solution that combines exceptional performance, accessibility for all users, and environmental responsibility. It's a 3D printer that prints using recycled plastic from bottles. It has control software built in to make controlling the printing process. Additionally, it can automatically store information in memory so that printing can resume where it left off in the event of an unplanned failure or technical issues. Our printer is created using scrap components like as shock absorbers from a dead auto, motors from outdated printers, and PVC pipes. We repurposed garbage, transforming it into a technology that can help solve the environmental problems. In addition, we developed a system that manufactures filament from plastic bottles, demonstrating a holistic method to addressing the issue of plastic pollution in the environment. The equipment chops plastic bottles into long strips and melts them into a solid filament that is fully compatible with any 3D printer. The project we provided is successful in resolving the environmental issue and has significant development potential. The contemporary technology utilized at this manufacturing facility brings up new possibilities for the development of a sustainable recycling process. We feel that the step we have made to combat plastic pollution is not merely a scientific development, but also deserving of attention and support because it addresses current needs.