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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Platform for the Study of Paleontology Using QR Code

Booth Id:

Earth and Environmental Sciences


Finalist Names:
Camargo, Bernardo (School: Eureka - Escola de Tecnologia e Pesquisa )

The development of this project involves the utilization of 3D modeling platforms like Unity 3D, augmented reality, and the integration of QR codes with smartphones and computers to enhance the accessibility and appeal of Paleontology education. The aim is to create an application and program, allowing anyone passionate about this field to utilize it.Through this completed platform, enthusiasts and students, whether from educational institutions or individuals interested in the subject but lacking access to fossils and artifacts found in museums or specialized centers, can use the application's information to enhance their understanding of this science. The decision to create a virtual teaching platform stems from its increased accessibility, especially for children who tend to lose focus during conventional learning. By merging education with engaging elements, it becomes easier for children, as well as for young adults and individuals with concentration difficulties, to learn effectively. Additionally, our project doesn't solely focus on paleontology but encompasses its various branches, including paleozoology, paleobotany, Pale ecology, Paleontology, Paleobiogeography, and paleobotany.