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Sustainable Use of Medicinal Properties of Feijoa (Acca sellowiana) in the Production of a Herbal Tincture and Healing Ointment

Booth Id:

Translational Medical Science


Finalist Names:
Lima, Eloise (School: Escola de Educacao Basica Ruth Lebarbechon)

The objective of this research project is to present the development of prototupes of a herbal tincture and its respective healing ointment, created from the rich compounds mentioned in the scientific literature , thus aiming at the sustainable use of the active components of the mountain guava ( Acca sellowiana) an the selection of natural ingredients thatt have a reduced impact on the environment, using them in the elaboration of an alternative to reduce the costs of properly synthetic medicines that are used to treat skin lesions, thus offering an improvement in the quality of human life. The scientific initiative in question highlights the importance of valuing biomes and adequately addresses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in relation to the production of herbal formulations today. This work alsoprovides a better understanding of the properties of guava leaf oil, its extraction process and its relative applicability due to its functions . The creation of such drugs is basead on the medicinal and sustainable nature of this species (Acca Sellowiana), found in southern Brazil, associated with native forest in the Atlantic Forest and Pampa biomes. Therefore, the proposed project is characterized as exploratory , descriptive and explanatory research, in which the potential of the medicinal properties existing in the leaves of the guava tree is observed through bibliographical research an ongoing tests, thus establishing ideas for new medicinal formulations with great aptitude in the health area and providing sustainable innovation.