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Groutiella apiculata: Hidden Treasure Against HCT116 Cells

Booth Id:

Biomedical and Health Sciences


Finalist Names:
Rodriguez Melendez, Hardy (School: Pablo Colon Berdecia)

There are many studies that try to find an effective treatment to combat colon cancer using different types of plants in their research like moss. The research problem is willing the Groutiella apiculata extract be effective at different concentrations to inhibit the growth of HCT -116 cells? The hypothesis will be that the higher the concentration of the Groutiella apiculata extract, the greater the inhibition of cell growth HCT – 116. To carry out the experimentation, there were 5 important phases: obtaining the moss extract, CHO culture, medium change, subculture and the MTT assay. The results revealed that colon cancer cells were inhibited by exposure to the Groutiella apiculata extract at all concentrations in an interval of 98% to 99% of effectiveness in 24 and 48 hours. La concentration where the hightest percentage of inhibition was presented in 1/10 at 24 and 48 hours about 99%. In other words, the Groutiella apiculata extract blocked the cell multiplication cycle, which includes a series of steps that a cell goes through each time it multiplies. In conclusion, the results revealed that the moss extract was effective in reducing live cancer cells, mainly in the first 24 hours.