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Novel Utilization of Blood Work Monitoring (NavDx) for Early Detection of Cervical and Anal Cancers

Booth Id:

Translational Medical Science


Finalist Names:
Erisman, Caroline (School: Joplin High School)

HPV driven oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) linked cancers kill upwards of 40,000 people each year. In order for early detection and treatment to be administered, the NavDx blood test was created to detect OPSCC cancers at the earliest stage, leading to earlier treatment times and better outcomes. Cervical and anal cancers impact upwards of 12,000 people each year, and without early detection, around 4,000 lives are lost each year. By extrapolating this NavDx test to cervical and anal cancers of the same characteristics, it is determined that 96% of these cancers could be treated early. This project examines the efficacy of extrapolating this test to cervical and anal cancers in order to bring about a new efficient testing method for recurring cancers.