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A Hidden Treasure in Combating Water Pollution and Boosting Agriculture

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Finalist Names:
Alnutaifai, Aljouri (School: Al Sharqiya High School (Girls))

The remains of Arabic coffee have been used to bring benefits to environments. Because it contains carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. The remains were used in two different fields: purifying water polluted from heavy metals such as chromium and in the field of agriculture. Experiments showed reusing the residues was effective in removing heavy metals from polluted water (chromium) yielding in water purification for up to 96.5%. In Agriculture, Large quantities of left-over Arabic coffee were used after drying it and placing it for a month away from heat to remove moisture. Experiments were conducted on tomato and eggplant seeds. the results showed, the plants grew faster, got taller, and withstood different climates as well as increased soil fertility when mixed residues with organic fertilizers were used compared to only organic fertilizer.