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Ritalin Me This? A Study of Correlation between Learning Styles of ADD/ADHD Students and Autistic Students

Booth Id:

Cellular and Molecular Biology


Finalist Names:
Fletcher, Ashlee
Hukill, Makenna

The purpose of this experiment is to test the possibility of learning techniques used on children with Autism can benefit children with ADD/ADHD because of the genetic similarities in the double helix, specifically labeled GIN1. Ultimately creating an alternative to educating children with ADD/ADHD instead of medicating them. Since there is a genetic correlation between children with Autism and ADD/ADHD, then the learning strategies or techniques used on children with Autism will benefit children with ADD/ADHD. Before testing each child on Testing Day #1 while on their medication, ask each child to fill out the “Class Time Management” survey. Test each child by having a certified elementary teacher conduct Math and Reading lesson and ask comprehensive questions. Repeat the testing procedures on Day #2 the same as Day #1, but with students not on their medication and visual aids and kinesthetic lessons incorporated. Compare Math and Reading tests from Day #1 and Day #2, and then complete a t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances. In short, based on our testing our hypothesis was proven correct. Due to the similar genetic mutation of the GIN1 DNA in Autistic children and children with ADD/ADHD, it is proven that learning strategies designed for Autistic children can also benefit children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Learning strategies include visual representations and kinesthetic learning activities to further engage students; thus, eliminating the need or requirement for ADD/ADHD medications that negatively impact children using it and providing a positive and holistic alternative.