Booth Id:
Finalist Names:
Wentzlaff, Claire
Research was conducted testing the growth rate of algae supplied with supplemental carbon dioxide. The idea of this project was to calculate the growth of algae colony numbers within 200 ml of water while the colonies were fed carbon dioxide from fermented yeast.
To conduct the experiment, algae was used in an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group obtained a supply of supplemental carbon dioxide produced by fermented yeast. The algae growth was measured by counting the algae colonies occupied within 1 ml of water under a microscope. The experiment was conducted in 2 rounds, one with purified water and one with natural rain water. The results showed that algae with supplemental carbon dioxide and rainwater had the largest growth, 62.3%.
The objectives of this experiment were met as results showed how supplemental carbon dioxide affects the growth of algae, and how important the correct variables and conditions of an environment are to plants.
Awards Won:
Arizona State University: For the project that applies computer science to further inquiry in a field other than computer science
Google CS Connect Award