Booth Id:
Materials Science
Finalist Names:
Williams, Brandon
The purpose of this project is to see what the Olympic Medal results would look like if they were based on Gender and to see if Gender Equality is being promoted throughout the Olympic Games. Country delegations are being compared to the Global Gender Gap Index to see if a relationship exists.
The challenge to this project is the Olympic medal count data is not available by gender and was created from raw data. Not only are there individual medals, there are team medals that had to be converted into one medal count by gender in order to create this project. The same concept applied to the total events as they were not split by gender as well. I used the same period as my previous project 1972-2012 as this data had the best fit less the 1980 and 1984 boycotted Olympiads.
For 135 countries who are listed in the Global Gender Gap Report the following data points were gathered by country: Total Athletes, # of male athletes, # of female athletes, men medals won, women medals won, coed medals won, Men's population, Women's population, Global Gender Gap Rating and Global Gender Gap Ranking. Create a summary sheet for each Olympiad that totals the data points. From the summary sheets, the following was created, Total Medal Count Rankings, Men Medal Count Rankings, Female Medal Count Rankings, The Coed medals were split between the Men and Women.
Create graphs showing the top medal earning countries (about 10) combining (Men and Women) Medal Count by Olympiad. By Gender/country, create graphs showing medal count and percentage of available medals. Each gender graph should have the same y-axis limit so they can be compared side by side.
Results show over time, Women events and participation has increased significantly showing support for gender equality.