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Mom Care

Booth Id:

Translational Medical Science


Finalist Names:
Adel, Steven (School: S.T.E.M. Luxor School)
Mahmoud, Abdel- Rahman (School: S.T.E.M. Luxor School)

Approximately about 219 pregnant women die daily from disease complications due to their lack of awareness. So, awareness about health care for pregnant ladies has a very big concern in the modern world. Our project’s aim is to increase awareness of pregnant women about the pregnancy symptoms to decrease these diseases’ complications and thus decrease the maternal death rates caused by these complications. We developed a software to solve this problem, which includes multiple set of features and data, such as the pregnancy symptoms and the proper procedures to deal with them, an Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) calculator, Nutritional planner for each trimester, and a Medicine reminder. There is also an external glove that measure the heart rate per minute that if reached a certain critical value, will message a family member (that the woman herself adds for an emergency situation). We did our survey on two groups of twenty people each, with one group offered the application. There was a remarkable difference between the two groups as the percentage of women who knew the proper procedures increased from 40% to 85%.