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Always with Me

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Finalist Names:
Saboh, Sima

Forgetfulness, It is a widespread phenomenon. Caused by two main factors: stress, and over thinking. It leads to forgetting, yet losing many personal items. After conducting the questionnaire, we have seen the impact of this phenomenon on segments of society to find that it has spread quickly between people; that provoked us to think about a solution for the problem by creating a device that connects between the user and their personal entities. As a result we designed '' always with me''. It is an integrated electronic device; that alerts you whenever you are away from your personal belongings by a distance given by the user. This project consists of several pieces, the main piece is held by the person, also you can control the number of pieces you put on your entities as laptop, book, keys and more! We dedicated a children's piece that is placed with a child as a bracelet once distancing the child from his mother; the device can alert them, dropping the project idea on the disabled and the elderly; once they are away from their keeper the device alerts them. We used for the application of the project Wi-Fi waves. The main widget search for other associated and check their presence within the selected range that is controlled through the RSSI, but in absence of one the device sends signals to the alarm circuits of lights and vibration. To turn off the alarm simply press the light of your widget!