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Development of a Robotic System for Installing Various Devices

Booth Id:

Robotics and Intelligent Machines


Finalist Names:
Shkodskikh, Vsevolod (School: Lyceum 11 of Chelyabinsk)

Relevance of the project: Last year I presented a robot that freshens the air at school, but due to an unforeseen situation in the world, it became very important not only to refresh the air, but also to kill bacteria and collect dust. Air purity standards are regulated by sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Observing them is necessary and important for the health of school children. The robotic device we are creating for installing devices that purify the air in rooms will allow you to keep the air humidity at the proper level in automatic mode, kill bacteria in the air and collect dust from the floor. Purpose of the work: to develop and create a robotic device for installing various devices on it. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: Conduct a market research for such devices, highlight their pros and cons. Based on the information received, develop a technical assignment. Purchase the parts and equipment necessary for the realization of the goal. Assemble the device. Test the device. Debug and adjust the robot. Try out the device at school. To solve problems and achieve the goal, the project was divided into several stages. The result of the work on the project was the created mobile device for installing various devices on it; During the initial search for analogs of the robot, they were not found, and perhaps our project is unique; The cost of the robot was about 9,000 rubles or 120 dollars.