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Application for Screening Attention Deficit Disorder (Inattentive ADHD(ADD))

Booth Id:

Behavioral and Social Sciences


Finalist Names:
Al Sharaydeh, Zeina (School: Jubilee School)
Mohammed, Jood (School: Jubilee School)

With psychiatric comorbidity rates around 50%. Children with (ADHD) often exhibit comorbid conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). (ADHD) starts in early childhood and persists in adulthood in 40–60% of cases. In addition, without appropriate support, children with (ADD) can struggle with poor grades, relationship issues, and problems with authority throughout their lifetime. Therefore, an evaluation must be established to diagnose and screen attention deficit disorder which is a sub-type of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to speed up the treatment process which prevents further complications. However, the traditional way of diagnosis uses a comprehensive evaluation to determine the presence or absence of the disease, but such an evaluation requires time and effort; so DrawAttention application was designed. The study methodology contained two phases. First, DrawAttention application was designed to screen (ADD) in children between 7-12 years old by using five games that simulate the symptoms. Second, a sample of 16 patients, 8 diagnosed with (ADD) and 8 healthy children aged 7-12 years were randomly chosen for clinical experiments under supervision. The results showed a clear difference between children with (ADD) and healthy children. Thus, children with (ADD) had a sequence in playing the games, finished in the right time and focused in details unlike children with (ADD) showing more symptoms in the five games. Resulting in lower scores for children with (ADD) than healthy children. In conclusion, DrawAttention application was a highly effective method to screen (ADD).

Awards Won:
American Psychological Association: Honorable Mention