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How Diverse Learning Environments Impact Students' Overall Well-Being

Booth Id:

Behavioral and Social Sciences


Finalist Names:
Davis, Lucianna (School: Fremont High School)

I first put together the consent forms which informed the participants that all information would be kept anonymous and would be for research purpose only. Then, I constructed the survey which asked questions about aspects of students academics, mental health, physical health, emotional health and social health. They were asked to evaluate their personal progresses throughout the year and to give information about the previous year. The previous year data was to establish a base line of an average year compared to a year with a multitude of different types of learning. I then went through and compared the data of the previous school and the current one along with the data between different types of learning. I learned from this project that social interaction plays a big part in all the aspects of a student's life and it heavily influence their choices.