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Natural vs. Synthetic Antibiotics

Booth Id:

Biomedical Engineering


Finalist Names:
Rodriguez, Aneysa

The efficacy of natural and synthetic antibiotics has been widely spectated on since the popularity of synthetics has increased. Scientists have worked meticulously to create advanced medications, and since then, more people have questioned the actual efficiency of these drugs. Some people believe that these expensive medications are only for a company's profit and as a result have resorted to creating natural remedies for their mild illnesses. This poses the alluring question: do homeopathic antibiotics work better than synthetic antibiotics? This question was tested using garlic, a popular homeopathic antimicrobial, and the wide spectrum synthetic antibiotics tetracycline, erythromycin, and penicillin. Synthetic and garlic-soaked antibiotic discs were placed in the center of an e. coli inoculated petri dish to test their ability to inhibit the growth of a K-12 strain of e. coli.