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The Healing Rate of Lumbricus terrestris with Various Medicinal Applications, Part Two

Booth Id:

Biomedical Engineering


Finalist Names:
Crook, Phillip

The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether or not Aloe vera, vitamin E, Suave Hair Conditioner, a triple antibiotic ointment, glycerin, and Vaseline would improve the healing rate of Lumbricus terrestris. Ten worms were placed in separate plastic containers. The researcher then cut off roughly ten percent of the worm’s posterior section and timed how long healing took with various medications. This was done ten times for each medication and ten times for the control group. Aloe vera had an average healing time of 190.7 minutes. Vitamin E had an average healing time of 181.7 minutes. Suave Hair Conditioner had an average healing time of 153.1 minutes. The triple antibiotic ointment had an average healing time of 171.1 minutes. Glycerin had an average healing time of 189.8 minutes. Vaseline had an average healing time of 220.9 minutes. The control group had an average healing time of 239.9 minutes. All of the data set were statistically different from the control group. The medication that was the most helpful to the healing process was Suave Hair Conditioner. If hospitals were to switch to Suave shampoo and conditioner, they could potentially save roughly $45,000 a year. Patients would also save hundreds of dollars in medical bills because they spend less time in the hospital recovering.