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Voice Recognition Based Elections Voting System for Blind

Booth Id:

Embedded Systems


Finalist Names:
Safwat, Enas
Mohsen, Nouran
Mohsen, Nouran

According to "World Health Organization" in 2013, there are 1,000,000 blinds in Egypt. Blinds need an easy voting system in order to express their political views just like other citizens. To ensure an honest and accurate voting process for blinds, we developed a sound pattern recognition system using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to enable them to vote from their houses based on voice recognition. The software was designed so the blind citizen can use his voice to give an order to the software that he wants to vote then the software recognizes the voice from the website database. After that the blind citizen can use his voice to vote by saying the name of the candidate he wants to vote for, and then the software sends the result of the voting process to the website. We assume that such system can increase the level of participation of blind people in elections. A survey is being conducted to confirm such assumption. This system was created using HTML & PHP for the website, .NET platform for the desktop application, C# & XAML for Windows Phone 8 platform and Java & XAML for Android platform. The software is connected to a website with a database of blind citizens and their voices in addition to a database of candidates. With this system, blinds in Egypt and in other places, will be able to vote and express their political views easily and have an honest and accurate voting experience.