Booth Id:
Finalist Names:
Polonen, Perttu
Although music is characterized as the world’s most common shared language, it can be quite abstract and complex. It is my mission to revolutionize the way how people learn to play and comprehend music. By using the groundbreaking Musiclock-innovation the complexicity can be translated into an easier, simpler and more concrete form compared to the centuries old way of teaching music.
The key feature is simple: in place of numbers, the clock has 12 notes. To point out, for example, a scale, one can use a stencil that hides notes not belonging to that particular scale. By rotating the stencil, the scale can be transposed to any of the 12 keys. This principle also works with all other music tasks, e.g. chords, intervals. The realization of this regular platform is a true Eureka moment.
The main focus is to integrate the use of Musiclock into one’s instrument studies. The difficulty of music theory has often led to ”killing” the whole hobby. With Pianoclock, device to be rolled on piano’s keys, or fingering charts, placed on Musiclock, the student can immediately see which keys he has to press to play a scale. No previous knowledge is required to dramatically speed up the learning process.
Because the logic of music theory is universal, the benefits of the innovation are not bound to a certain age or genre – whether you are young or old, play the piano or the trumpet, prefer classical or jazz, Musiclock brings practicality and playability to one’s music studies.