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Derivatization of the Carbon Membranes and Analysis of Their Characteristics

Booth Id:

Energy: Physical


Finalist Names:
Kambar, Nurila
Asset, Zhanabayev
Dolmagambetov, Karen

Purpose of the research project: obtain the diamond-like membrane by ionic plasmatic magnetron method and study its characteristics. Object of the research: thin diamond-like carbon membrane. Objectives of the research project:  try-out (exercise) of methods for producing diamond-like structures;  try-out (exercise) of methods of obtaining samples of diamond-like membranes;  study and analysis of the optical properties of the diamond-like membranes. The practical significance of the research project is the usage of the combined ionic plasmatic magnetron method for producing carbon membranes. Relevance of a research project associated with the synthesis of the membranes with the properties similar or close to diamond. Scientific novelty of the research project – obtained carbon membranes.