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Which Monopoly Space Is Most Profitable Based on Probability?

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Finalist Names:
Guggenheim , Collin (School: John Curtis Christian School)

The purpose of this project was to calculate how often each "spaceā€ is landed on while playing Monopoly. This would allow me to better my chances of winning each game. The project had three main starting points (Go, short-term jail, long-term jail). Using a spreadsheet, I calculated the number of spaces moved in the first 800 moves of the game. From the spreadsheet, I determined the frequency of the sum of both die which then allowed me to calculate the experimental probability of each sum (frequency / total amount of sums). I played the Monopoly game by following the sequence of moves indicated on the spreadsheet. There is a 1/10 probability of landing of Chance or Community Chest space that would send the player directly to jail. The probability of landing on any given space was calculated from two scenarios- short-term jail and long-term jail. This allowed me to determine the specifics of each property. I was able to see the aspects of the property as well as gain a better understanding of how much money each property could possibly generate. I concluded that the long-term and short-term jail had very similar results of which space is landed on the most. I also learned that Illinois Avenue is the most profitable property based on having the highest probability of being landed on as well as having the best cost-to-rent ratio.